G32 Mouth paint is an ayurvedic paint which contains Bakul, Katho, Mayafal, Majith, Pashanbhed, Vajradanti, Jiru, Kali mirch, Pipar, Fatakadi, Sajikhar, Laving oil, Elaichi oil, Taj oil, Gandhapuro, Pepermint oil, Kapur, Pepermint phool. G 32 Mouth Paint stops bleeding, reduces inflammation, restores the firm texture of the gums and the normal orange peal appearance of the gingiva (gums). Directions for Use: Take 2-3 drops of G32 mouth paint on a finger tip, apply it over gums and inside the whole mouth, gently massage the affected parts with a finger. Hold and swirl with cheek movements for 5 minutes. Then rinse and gargle with fresh water. Repeat 2-3 times a day as necessary. Use under medical supervision